Honolulu Star-Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii (2025)

The Honolulu Advertiser Saturday, October 1 2005 Apartment! Partly Furnished 1 Apartments Partly Furnished Apartnunti Furnished WAIKIKI DC Apartments Purify Furnished Townhousn Partly Furnished! TVHome Theaters HAWAII KAI-PORTIOCK I F4 Furniture I WAIKIKI KANfOHE KAHALUU ISLAND COLONY Nice 11, BEAUTIFUL 212 wyardd no prkQ, AC. utll incl 1 400tax New. WU, waterfront $1B5o' Hawaiian Joy, LLC 923-1880 Incl wtr. 358-0400 BIO SCREEN Lanikea Waikiki 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 parking. Brand new condol High floor with great ocean views! Long term.

$3000mo electric. AVAIL NOWI World Realty 951-5558x100 LIVtNQROOM set. Imported from Bali, unused. 7 pea, incl solalove seat wwht cushions entry tablesofa backcottee tablebuffet table, dark wood. $1750 allobo, 395-0321 MOVINQI Kitchen table with 4 chairs $150.

Antique sofa $175. Refrigerator wicemaker $500. Queen bed, wood frame wrails $75. 669-5881 LILIUOKALANI GARDENS Spectacular oceancity vws in this Penthouse, 1 bath, 1 prkg, studio unit. Nicely upgraded.

Pool. BBQ, tennis, clean! $1450. No pets. REMAX KaiLani 0 237-5306 COLONY AT PENINSULA Brand new gated community. Excl amenities.

222. Spacious kitchen wbreakfast nook, elegant master suite. Avail now! $2500. 778-4766 SONY 61" Projection TV. Picture-ln-Plcture plus more.

Crisp display. Programmable multl function remote. $800obo. 456-9499 COLOR STEREO TV 32" EXCELLENT CONDI REMOTE $165OBO. PGR 578-9528 PANASONIC 62" PROJECTION TV.

6 YRS OLD. GOOD CONDI DOLE Street quiet 1 bedroom, 1 bath. AC, near UHbus route $1200dep 763-7920 Naar UH, Clean 111, grnd fir, sm fenced yard, AC. No pets. $925, 627-9386, 375-3788 11.

$800 no prkg, 21 $1200 $50 extra prkg, 211 $1500. Palace Realty 591 -2 1 55 (Apartments Pirtty tonnshed 1 McCllLLY-MOIUILI BEAUTIFULLY upgraded 1bdrm, AC, WD, secure, BBQ area, prkg. $1350 955-8734 CONTESSA 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 prkg with view. $1800mo. Kidani Realty.

LLC 235-0345 MANOA-PUNAHOU-UNIV. Haiku Gardens 32 6, 2 prkg, excl cond. Pool, storage $2450 Deen Properties Inc 623-1222 Makant Kal Marina 432 spectacular ocean views, split Ivl, parquet carpet $3300. Windward Isle Props 261-1530 (TowntHMis Pirtty Fumtilwdl KAPOLH A KOOLINA gated com, 22den, wd. ac, gar.

$2200 Heaman Properties 778-5357 A Ko'Olina 3 bd. golf crse, split Ivl, all amens $2300 incl wtr Shell'z Ohana Rlty 696-0028 Big Kekuiiani Villas 222 $1400. WD Certified Management Inc. 836-091 1x290 Brand new KoOlinaKai 32grg $2600 Disc. AC, WD.

Lanai. Armstrong Prop. 216-3862 Ko Ollna Fairways 32.5, attached 2 car garage. Hardwd lira, $2800. 670-0160 PEARL CITY JL EWA MOVING Must Sell! Desk 3 piece dinette set Nice cond! REGENCY TOWER TION! S8D0OBO.

349-1421 UN 5BUUUBU. 348- 42 COLONY new Ige 222. Fully furn (former model) $3,000. Pacific Island Realty 295-3559 oeacn UBO 668-121 1 J75eachOBO 668-1211 mt inn ltP I APIPIT nillPI WlWSATE Huge Sale! FUNDRAI GREA BUYS Ulluokalanl Qdns 11, prkg HI fir, Ala Walmountain view $1600 Avail now Sykes Sykes Prop. 94 1 -6672 2153 Atherton Rd.

SAT 10t, SAT ONLY 7AM-2PM Tools. FURNITURE clothing, kitchen 7am-12noon. Furn, electronics. Mtn View, Washdry Secured Parking $1100 Ph: 392-4106 clothing, household, kitchen Items electronics lots more! 2041 AANIU LOOP SONY FD TRINITRON 36" Fiat Screen WEGA. Excellent Cond.

$450. CALL 487-6486 SONY 46" WIDE SCREEN HIGH DEFINITION READY, PROJECTION. 1 YR OLD. MOVING MUST SELL $750. 368-0053 irems, dooks lots or misc.

Sat 101. 8-1pm. Ocean Pt. 91-1052 Kaiikuwa St. CSALE SAT SUN 7-6 Furniture.

Beds, Appls. Toys, Bikes, Tools, more. SIMMONS Dreamscapes Cal-King bed hand-made farmhouse style dining table w4 chairs. All $1500. 429-8496 MOVINQ SALE: B-piece oriental dining room set $500.

Lawn mower $25. Leaf blower $25. Call Jim, 382-0252 NEW unfin chest of drwrs: 3 dr. $49 95. 4 dr.

$54.95. 5 dr $79.95 McCallister 841-4251. MONTE VISTA Immaculate, completely furnished, high Floor, 2 bdrm, 1 batti, 2 vanities, 1 cov'rj prkg. Lanai wbeautiful mountain Ala Wai golf course views. WD, Pool, BBQ.

No smoking pets, incl utilscbl. Avail now. $2300. 223-2512, 922-3843 Walklkl Skyllner 211, lanal, long term, no pet Pacific Rim Prop 941-161 1 COLONY Peninsula NEW 322. central AC.

$2800. Pacific Island Realty 295-3559 COMMODORE 222, den, 8th fl, ocnview, avail now $2150 elec. Setsuko Realty 596-0073 jPETS OK ESPLANADE Marina frontage, exec living, upgraded, ground floor, 1 Bdrm. 1 Bath, 1 cov'd prkg wlarge private yard. Central AC, WD.

boat dock, tennis, pool, sauna, BBQ, putting greenaolf drlvlna net. CONVENIENT 71B Wlllwill St. 1 bdrm, 1 bath, assigned cov'd prkg, ground floor, new range refrigcarpetpaint, coined WD, no petssection 8. Near WaikiklMcCully Shopping ctfbus route. Avail Now.

$1 250 incl electricwater. 386-9216 clothes, shoes, wmn formal wear, pottery, books, and more! HONOLULU CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2832 Lowrey Ave Clothes, toys, furn, household goods. Lots of good buys' MULTI-FAMILY SAT 4 SUN 8-12 NOON 1935 1943 Vancouver Dr. Antiques, videos, quality appls, msc, usedunused Multi-Family! SAT Only! 8am-2pm No early birds. 1119 Kaweloka St.

House kitchenware. clothes, toys, books much more! A3SALE SAT only 8-2. Toots, bookshelf, children books, planter pots. 4drwr file cabinet, computer desk, more! 221 7 Aumakua St KO'OLINA KAI BRAND NEW 1,150 sq. ft 2 Bedroom, 2 Full Baths.

1 Car Garage1 Parking. Granite countertops, lanai, AC, WD. Walk to Roys and golf, close to Lagoons. No smoking. Includes water, $2200mo.

Minimum 6 month lease. Avail. 1015. Call 688-2316 MONTE Vista 21.51, wd, dw, ac, lanal, pool, sec bldg. $1900.

TPM(R) 696-2511 X213 91-549 Puamaeole St. Unit 36A. Call Box 0281 (Palm Crt EVERYTHING GOES SAT 6-12 Double Oak Bookcase, Off Road Bike. End Table, Coffee Table, lamps, books more. 91-1055 Aawa Dr.

(Westloch Fairways) WAIKIKI Studio $500; 1 2 bdrms. 1300. Twnhse $1400. 923-6469. 955-1964 Wallana 221, choice cen-tsr unit, central air, utils Incl.

$2695. Avail 106. 734-6020 Walpuna hi ocn 22. pkg, ac, wd, long term, no pet $2400 Pacific Rim Props 941-151 1 2611 Ala Wal-1 bdrm-TWO prkg! Gorgeous views of Ala Wai Diamond Hd $1800inc) utll, pet ok. Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties 748-2664 PARKSIDE Tower 221, nice clean, conv, WD, $1600.

Ideal Prop 595-3168 Scanlc Twrs 15th fl, view 111 AC. lanal, Incl utilcable $1395 Alpha Real Estate 545-3500 UNIVERSITY AVE. Clean 11, 1 open prkg, grnd fir, washer. exer rec room. $2000mo.

Long lease pref'd. 782-4663 Heritage House 222 1010. New paintcarpet. Marinaocn vw. End lanai $1950.

Monarch Prop, Inc. 225-3042, 734-7105 cash only. No Lariy Birds! 33 LOOK! SATURDAY ONLY 9-3 PM. Furniture. TV, utensils, clothings (Adultchild), Bags.

2832 LOWREY AVE. GREAT DEAL! NICE sofa, loveseat, corner table, coffee side tables. Good cond $400all 396-0622 Oak 3 Piece King Size Headboard Pier set (storage drawersmirror) hope chest. Excl cond! $875all 753-0755 Poatw bed $100; 2nlte stands $75. din tbl4 chrs $1 75; chaise $50; 6 uphol.

chairs $75. Excl cond! 349-1968 HAWAII KAI-PORTIOCK NIIHAUAPTS Nicely upgraded 1 1 bath wlanai partial ocean view. Close to beach. No parking. Clean! 1400.

No Pets. REMAX KaiLani 237-5306 waier, bou. nay, hbb-3521 Apartments Partly Furnished I I Apartments Partly Furnished KO'OLINA LUXURY living In gated Resort at Coconut Plantation. Largest villa floorplan! LIKE NEW! Over 1 700 sf. 33den, 600 sf of lanal, 2-car gar.

WD, top-of-llne 1st class amenities McCUU.V-MO.LIIU BABY ITEMS! WAIFAHU I MILlLANI GARAGE SALE SAT SUN 8-2 Furniture, antiques, memorabilia, more. Manners Ridge, 1st right. 771 KALUANUI WAY KUAHELANI APTS. 22.5. Hot Hot Sale Tr, jtj OREAT condition, Plus Furniture, clothes, vanity kitchen items.

SUNDAY ONLY Sam-12pm. 1340 Laukahi St. SALE golf $3195 CALL 864-4892 Kumal Realty Inc. 589-1023 LUXURY apts. 2brt.5ba, 3br2ba, amenities.

679-1111 www.royalkunlaislandclub.com NEWLY renov 2 bdrm apts. twnhms. New Intappls, pool, gym, $1425. Avail immed. Oasis Waipahu.

671 -2800 3 1 PARKING $1250. 94-109 PUPUOLE PLACE KAHALA MAUNA LUAN Clean remodeled, can be furnished 222 end unit, WD. Avail now. $2200. Surf Realty, 943-0600 MAUNA LUAN 221 Ocean Manna view, immac.

Avail now. $2000. 395-9945. 277-2955 (Apartments Partly Furnished 1 KAIMiJKI-KAPAHUlU A nice, clean 1 bdrm, 1 bath, coin WD. nr shopsbusUH.

$800. Ph: 734-2341 Kupaa Dr. downstairs Studio, avail now $1 1 50. No pets. Zen Properties 754-7777 Regency Park 222, $1950, Long term, Call 330-1203.

Zen Properties 949-4318. TUPPERWARE Inventory Sale on overstocked Items, samples, host gifts other specials. 2307 Date St. corner Datelsenberg Sal only! 9-3pm lownhoujel Partly Furnished! Oahu Surf 1 Executive living newly remodeled 222, views, wrap-around lanai, HDTV, split ACs. $300G7month.

All utilities Included. Call 351-5112 MAMKILU I AWESOME SAT Oct 1st. 8-2 No Early Birds. 1980's Toys. Comics, Magazine.

7" Vinyl music(45's), more. 1 573 HALEKOA DR. d. prixg, wu, storage, pool. Avail 101.

$1850. 623-0690 Mltllanl Mauka 11 second floor, bright and cool, $1350. Realty Pacific Ltd. 216-6520 jjfl Nahoi $1400 2bd1ba1pkg, H20 at incl, new paint tile. Laundry room near shopping, freeway, bus, Certified Management Inc.

836-091 1x266 RIDQECREST 2.512, WD. grnd tlr, end unit, pool, no pets $1400. 625-6942; 721-4515 Walkalanl: Breezy 32. 2 cov'd prkg. corner unit.

WD. $1795. AF Prop. 478-4778; 845-4567 MIULANI QUEEN Sofa Sleeper, $200. Octagon table4 chairs.

$200. TVVCR, $100. 637-1510 RATTAN: matching sofa, couch, loveseat. chair, end table $300offer. 681-3156 Rattan 42" round glass table.

4 arm chairs 2 bar stools. Cushion seats $270. 782-2408 ROSEWOOD Coffee Table 2 End tables. Beautiful! Excl UALL JUM 306-2375 31. Near Bus Schools Stores, $1 500 deposit.

No Pets. Avail 1 01 7. 836-2785 Ivg msg APARTMENTS furnished BARGAINS BOOKSHELVES, computer desk, microwave, drafting table, golf clubs, twin bed, videos, purses. misc. Dead end of 20th Waialae Ave, SAT 7-12 HUGE EstateTag Sale! iSALE Apartments Furnished ALA Apartments Partly Furnished HEIGHTS Palehua Villas spac.

21.5 2 prkg, wd, great view $1550. Bryte Pacific Realty 488-6677 PALEHUA VILLAS 222den, clean, breezy, spec view, WD, no pets, $1400. 236-7657 (Tmmftouses Partly himtsnedl MILlLANI I A Launani Gardens 322 top fir end unit, view, AC. WD, wtr incl 1 950mo 383-55 1 6 Cond. 5675 All.

486-3855 SOFA, ELEGANT, LIGHT BLUE. EXCELLENT COND. Royal Grdns lux studios 22 suites wvlews, cbl. ph. Fr $440 wk, $1450mo.

HCR 949-4505 STUDIO, AC, kitchenette, coin laundry, swimming pool. All utils Incl. $1000mo. 384-1054 STUDIO, 1 BRS 2 BRS WPARKING, AVAIL NOW. Coco Isle Realty 955-1515 Bargains Galore SAT Sun! 8am-3pm 94-343 Aaahi St.

Lots of clothes, appliances, weights, tires, furniture and much more! FUND RAISER Japan mission support, multi-family sale. Militant Mauka, SAT 8UN 8-3 Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture lots more! (The Gingerbread House) 4584 Kahaia Ave. ApartmerTtsTaTfJyunrrihedl ATTACHED STUDIO, PRKG, INCL UTILS. AVAIL NOW! $860MO. PH: 735-5621 SATSUN, 9am-3pm.

Treadmill, micro, plants, BBQ grill, lanai tbl chairs, furn, knick knacks, electronics, fountain, sleep bed. antique trunk, TV. 5432 Poola St. MUWnAtUA-SAlT LAKE SUMMER VILLA 1 bdrni1 bath, AC, new paint stove. View, large lanai, pet friendly, 1 parking.

$1500 include utilities Mary Worrall Associates, Inc. 739-4448 ATKINSON PLAZA 11 15th fir, 700sf, enclosed KAILUA 5150. CALL 487-6187 TEAK BENCH ANTIQUE bench from Java. 3TD. beautiful piece, $1500 395-0321 A split Ivl 32.52 prkg $2150, lanal, cool side, Mtn view TOWNHOUSES furnished WAIANAE COAST (NANAKUU to MAKAHA) ao-iiB Laipu street, Saturday, 8am-12noon mOANALUA-S AIT LAKE mm mm WD, gated cov prkg, security, tennis, sauna, pool, BBQ.

Includes all utils cable. No smkpets. $1875. CaH 1-877-468-8276 or Fax 808-626-6369 ATTACHED 2br1ba 660sqft. Clean, AC.

No petssmkg. Marcus 833-3701 A 322 New paint, WD. pool. $1900 incl elecwatercable. No petssmkg.

640-0242 Duplax newly renov. 21, WD. Some ocean vw, No pets. Avail now Utils incl $1600 783-1968 FRANKLIN Towers 222 $1450, wd, mtn vw. Certified Townhouse! FurnlstiMl HAWAII KAI-POtmOCK THE WINDSOR Beautiful upscale 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 parking.

Great amenities $3100mo. tax utils. Mary Worrall Associates, Inc 739-4489, 228-5386 SAT 101. 8am-2pm. Furniture, clothes, dishes, household, sofa, ent ctr, 30 gal fish tank.

more! 283 KAKAHIAKA ST. NO pet. 4BH-lUU5B3-t556 Shirley Onlshi, Realtor LLC Havana of li Vistas. 22. No pets, $1700 Incl water2 prkg.

Newtown Realty 593-0709. HILLSDALE 32, 2 prkg $2700 Certified Management, Inc. 836-0911 x286 Kaholo Hale 32.5 $1800. Property Profiles 487-9500 x207 www.pprofiles.com Launani Valley 3 bdrms, 2 baths, 2 prkg $1850 429-3942 SunnyWaianae LOTS of stuff and some FREE appliances! Sat only! 9AM -2PM 87-167 MANUULAULA ST. MARINA FRONT 32.51, AC, WD, garden, waterfront, lanal, pool.

$5000mo. 394-1 534 TEAK Computer Work Station. 5 interchangeable pieces $1100obo. Ph: 373-7055 We match the right buyers sellers every day! it out. WOODbrown Microfiber 6pc living rm set wcustom pillows, barely used $850 Evenflo strollertravel system $75.

Graco carseat $30. 235-3649 Apartments Furnished DIAMOND HEAD ASALE SAT 7-2 Sofa. Tables, Chairs. Kitchenwares, Tools, Push Mower, etc. RAIN OR SHINE! 71 74 Kaneohe Bay Dr.

Townhouse! Furnilhed 1 KANEOHE-KAHALUU I Management 836-0911 x290 Franklin Twrs 222, clean 34th fl $1900 avail 103. BY Rlty Mgmt Sales 591 -294 1 HORIZON VIEW TOWER 22, security, prkg, $1 500. Dynasty Realty Corp 951-5500 BEAUTIFUL spacious 22 wview, utils Incl. Shortlong 211, close to beach, nr Waikiki Library, 1 yr lease, avail now. $1600mo.

221-3222 (Apartments Partly Furnished 1 KALIHI PALAMA A Clean 2 bdrm, 1 bath, convenient, nr busbank, no prkg, $1000. 845-1 158, 227-8005 A 1 bdrm, near townbusshops, prkg, no petssmkg. 839-5176 A 11 convenient, nr bus stores, coin laundry $850mo. Royal Hawn Prop 941-61 1 1 Hal mi -Studio $750 pkg. Lanai, 2nd fir walk-up, no pets Crimen Assoc.

942-5976 (Apartments Partly Furnished 1 kaneohe'kahaluu I BARGAINS WALL unit, wooden desk, hsehold items, dishes, etc. 8am-2pm, SAT, POKAI BAY VILLAGE. 86-210 MOEHA ST. Moving Sale! LAWN equip, patiohome exotic wood, tools, toys, electronics, hsehld more! FriSat 7-2, 812 Rice Loop. Ft.

Shatter SATURDAY 7AM-11AM. RAIN OR SHINE! STUFF STUFF MORE STUFF! Foster Village 1339 Opua St 10 of proceeds go to hurricane relief. Multi-family! Furn, clothes, elec. books. Sat 8-2, 1977F Hammond Cir.

Caitlin Park Housing. No early birds. YARD SALE GardenPlants 1 I kaimuki-kapahuuT) icmi uk. ziou. roj-jioa MAKANI Kai Marina.

Gated 222, boat slip, Immaculate! COLONY SURF SANS SOUCI Studios. 11. 22 Alani Realty 737-6000 LUXURY newly furn 111 units steps to beachpark 808-349-3880 (Apartments hirnlsfw, 1 KAHALA KAHALA BEACH APTS. Luxury 22's. Dona Johnson (R) 737-1 775 Pandanus Realty MILlLANI Gardens 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2 prkg, no pets, $1700.

Kidani Realty, LLC 235-0345 MILlLANI Parkway 212, new flrspamt, $1600mo. No smkg. No pets. Premier Rlty 2000, Inc. 955-7653x307 Waikiki Lanais High floor, views, 111 cv'd prkg.

New paint clean. AC, sec lobby elevator. Available now. $1600 till incl. Helen Price (R) 258-5533 wu, evan liiuo.

S3000. Sunshine Propenies 259-861 1 MULTI-FAMILY GREAT Bargains! Furniture, rubber stamps, scrapbooking, clothes more! Sunday 8am-1pm at 753 12th Ave. (Townhouses Furmihed KAPOIEI iaaaaBBBMaBBBBBBBiBaaaaaMi RENOVATED 2 bdrms1 bath www.moanaluahillslde.com From $1 495. 866-321-1 721 SUNSET LAKEVIEW clean 21 wd. sec 8 ok.

Avail now. $1300. 728-1079. 922-2268 SUNSET Lakeview 3 bdrm, 2 bath, full wd. Show wknds.

1 prkg, amens. $1700. 284-7712 Apartments Partly Furnished 1 MILlLANI Prkwy 21, 2 prkg, ac, WD, water incl. $1850. 265-9497.

864-5343 GARDEN POTTERY SALE OFF POTTERY LAND, 25S-B8S1 Uriope 75J2 ea. Crouton 3 $9ea. Darcenia 10 ea Cement pots ea. 626-7888 WANTED 8" PLUMERIA tip cutting! All colon. 608-982-9700 Walklkl Skytower comer 111 $1675; Highly upgraded, utils, phone, WD.

HCR 949-4505 (Apartments Furnished KAILUA COCONUT Plant 3 bedroom 3 bath2 pkg, resort Ivg located 11th Fairway, Ko'ollna $4200 Townhouses Partly Furnished 1 rjQANAlUA-SALTLAKE I HUGE MOVING SALE! Antiques, clothes, electronics, furniture, appliances. 930 21 st Ave. SATSUN, 8a-2p 122 KE PLACE. SAT 7-12PM. Aliamanu Military Reservation.

Everything must go! Clothes, garden items, toys, household items, all priced to sell! HILLSIDE 11, lanal. panoramic view, all utils, Internet, cbl, AvI 101 $1275. 218-0840 WAIKELE MULTI-FAMILYIM A Bit of Everything! Furniture. Baby, Household Much Sunday, 8am-2pm 94-1048 PUMAIA PLACE LEAVING ISLAND SUNDAY 10a-1p. All must go! Quality Furniture for LRDR 2BR.

3 beds, 2 dressers, sofabed. TV's, housewares, sm appl, 8 bookcases. No Early Birds! 94-1034 Mahinahina St 1 NUHIH SHORE -WAIALUA aion Krop rvigmt 254-5556 Ko Ollna Fairways 32.6, attached 2 car garage- Hardwd lira, $2600. 079-0150 KAINUI DRIVE (Duck Lane) WINDSOR 11. low floor, large lanai.

designer furn'd. $2700. Alani Realty 737-6000. 22, prkg. turnkey, fabulous, pool, security, nr bch, 3 ACs TVs, 810-310.

$2350. 497-9000, Alani Realty 737-6000 Jewelry Clothing Beautiful views all NEW 2bd, 2 covd prkg, near Schofield. $1550. Avail 101. 780-7893 (Apartments Partly rvrnlshed 1 KAPIOLANI I tSgSSALE NORTH SHORE-WAIAIUa AA Alii Plantation, 1243 Ala Alii 131.

212 stalls, wd. carpet $1500 Motosue 946-9592 A 111. lanai, AC. WD, gated sec, poolrec area, small pet ok. No smk.

$1600 688-2858 MOANALUA Village. Gated 32.6, 2 prkg. AC. watercable, Avail Nov. $2800.

528-3131 A at" SAT SUN 9-3 EVERYTHING GOES! Furniture, TVb, households item, lots of books, tools, TOWNHOUSES partly furnished toys more. 1312 7th Ave. New, C-fans, ac Near Bus, on canal Sep ent $1200 incl utils. Ph: 349-0587 APARTMENTS partly furnished Townhouses Parity Furnished Townhouse! Partly Furnished FINAL SALE! Queen sofa sleeper, octagon table4 captain chairs, barserver, computer table more! Sat 9-1. 68-121 Au St.

Waialua WAIMANALO HAUULA 1 bdrm rondo 20' from beach Washerdryer, BBQ area $1500 security deposit POOL Ph: 422-2836 389-5797 AltA ftAKl my Apartments Furnished KAPIOLANI Apartments Partly Furnished AIEA BLUE TOPAZ PENDANT 21CWT EARRINGS S475B0TH PH: 254-4107 Diamond Ring PRINCESS CUT 5 diamonds total wt. 2.32, 18 kt gold, with papers $6000obo. 842-7308 HEART shaped Diamond ring stunning 1ct. SI1 wEGL certificate. $4000obO 674-1 838 Niihau Shell BOUGAINVILLE 321 prkg, WD, pool.

Avail now! $1500. Property Center Inc. 596-0695 NUUANU-ALEWA-KAM HEIGHTS ASALE LIVING room set. dinning room set, patio set more. Sat 8-3 41-571 INOAOLE STREET PEARL Horizon 21,51.

WD, AC. new carpet, no petssmkg, $1400, 396-8235; 728-8784 Walau Gdn. Ct. 212 upstairs $1200. Eric M.

Watanabe Really Inc. 486-5534. EVERYTHING A Studio $650; 11 $1250; 22 $1550. No utils. No smkgpets.

949-7697 Walklkl Beach Prop. kendricwaikikibeachpro.com A 221 750 KahBka St.1 707, across. Daiei. 1109 sf, lanai. view.

wd. $2000. 988-5433 KAPiOLANIDATE St 11, nice view, keyed entry, no pets. $1350. 949-2730, 955-7377 Kap Manor (1215) 111, crpt, sec, lanai, pool, $1325 wwtr.

Ideal Prop 951-0353 LaulkJ St. 111. clean, ground fir, nr UHbus $900. Avail 106 BY Rlty MgmtSales 591-2941 MARCO POLO renovated 22 wprkg, no pets $2500 Solid Foundation RE Co. 531-4408 Marco Polo split level 22.5 penthse, ac, wd, pkg $2900 Pacific Rim Props 941-1511 Pacific Grand studio, clean, short term $775 incl utils.

BY Realty MgmtSales 591-2941 REGENCY Twr 222, AC. Ocn MULTI-FAMILY SATI Barn-Noon. 938 18th Ave. Computer desk, kids clothestoys, household goods, bookshelf, books lots more! cCSALE SUN 8-2 No Early Birds Pis! Washer. 9 mo old.

Rattan Glass Din'g Table. Misc Chairs, Cruiser Bike, Hsehld. Toys, TV, DVD, VCR, '00 V70 Volvo Wagon more! 1 860 Iwi Way KANEOHE-KAHALUU Apartments Partly Furmshad HEIGHTS Aclean 11 21, Juliana Twrs pool. 488-5128, 521-0081 LaniProperties.com Peart Manor 31.51. $1350.

Agentowner. Eric M. Wa-tanabe Realty 466-5534 Pearl Regency Lovely 111, pool $1 150. Eric M. Watanabe Realty Inc.

486-5534 WAIPIO-KUNIA GOES FRI-SUN 9am-3pm. Furniture, collectibles, antiques, birds (lovebirds, parakeets, cock-atiels) more! 923 HALA DR Ipets ok A HUGE LUXURY PENTHOUSE 2 level, 4000 si, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 covered prkg wincredible oceanmountain views. Central AC, marble, spas, high ceilings, $6900. AlohaHomes 941-8711 CROSSPOINTE Studio wcourtyd, Clean, 1 prkg, WD, AC, 24 Insecurity, gated community, Rec Center, no pets smkg. $995.

842-0706 BARGAINS! ROUNDED style, Since 1971. 3 1 long, 3strands. excll $2500 Will email pics 336-697-8923 PACFIC 31.5, split-level, lanai, prkg, new floorspaint WD, refrigerator, stove, dw, pool $1650 water incl. 220-4307 A new remod pntcpttll fixt c-fan lanal la 1 bdrm $1000 busline no petemk. Queen Realty 847-1 1 24 HIALOA, 2 bdrm1 bath, Cov'd prkg.

WD. No petssmkg. Avail, now. $1400. 590-2137 Nuuanu Brookside upgraded 111, ac.

city vw $1550 BY Realty MgmtSales 591-2941 NUUANU PI, (35) 211 cvd pkg, walk-up, wd, lanai; $1600 wwater. Ideal Prop 951-0353 NUUANU 1634, 22, sec bldg, pool, parking, wd. AC, cable. Avail now. $1500.

955-6757 Machinery Equipment MULTI-FAMILY BARGAINS DRESSER, TV stand, bookshelf, twin headboard, dishes, household items more! Sat 8-1, 94-799 Leomana Way CHEVY parts, motor hoist, hand air electric tools, paint timing guns, stereos, speakers, much more misc. Thurs-Sat. 8-4. 94-663 Nuao Place Waipio PEARLRIDGE 211 $1400 Incl water. Washerdryer in unit Storage.

No pets. VAfi Realtors, 841-0871 Townhouses Partly Furnished CROSSPOINTE 1 bdrm1 bath, grnd fir unit, 1 prkg, AC. WD. Avail 1015. $1250.

235-2969 CROSSPOINTE 222, corner ground, $1900. Avail 101. Angia Ho (R) 222-0233 CROSSPOINTE 222 Dwnstrs end unit AC, WD. No smoking pets. $1975.

497-4981 SAT: 7am-4pm, Koa Couch, computer, scanner, printer, digital camera, clothes galore, hsehld. misc. 46-205 Heeia St. WWftitt MHALA 10 WAIIUPF. CENTURY Center studio, central air, prkg sep, utils, $1 100.

Ogawa Realty 255-2321 lolanl Crt Plaza modern exec. 22, renov, central AC $2250 Gall Petagno (R) 926-8221 Kapiolanl -2048: Studios $580 1Br $680up util incl 941-7000 955-6740 9-12noon STUDIO. 16th fir. pool, sauna, secure bldg, $1100 incl utils. 6 month lease.

Call 258-6009 A FORKLIFT Clark. Yale 3000 lbs. propane, pneumatic, solid Annual Sale. SatSun, 8-3pm. Clothes, costume jewelry, collectibles (Wedgewood, Lenox, Fenton etc), plants, craft supplies, tools, guppies, handbags.

2728 BOOTH ROAD lire, good cond. Hgr 525-9754 CAT 235 Excavator makiki-tantalus Fairway Village. CLEAN 22.5 end TH Unit, 2 car gar, WD, AC, upgraded wlamlnate floors, mirrored WILHELMINA- WtfMUfMAHALA HEKShTS PEARL TWO 211. nicely up-gradedwith AC. WD, and utils included $1800.

282-1090 PEARL CITY Mtn view, wd, 52100, 386-4763, 714-4 78-06 1 7 ROYAL Capitol Plaza 221, secured bldg. amenities, $1995mo. Premier Rlty 2000, Inc. 955-7653x307 ROYAL CAPITOL PLAZA 221 pkg. Cool clean, wd, ac.

Avail Pacific Resource 973-0839 ROYAL lolanl DH701, 22, upgraded, wd, new flooring, incl utll. $3000. 373-3973 (Apartments Partly Furmshed 1 KAPOLH 1 CENTRAL UNION CHURCH Z2SALE Multi Family Sale mm mm Sa, 7am. 533g Kjauea Apartments Furnished MAKAKILO Apartments Partly Furnished ALA wall; end private yard, storage area. Secure project near Waikele golf course, shops, restaurants, parks, etc, Min 1 yr Ise.

$2350. Wtr Incl. Lyniel Choy (R) Corinthians Rlty, 330-0307 Ridgeway A On golf course! Private 212, Ige kitchendining room, all appliaces, wall to wall carpets, wall paper decor. No pets. $1600.

Avail 107. 227-7020; eves 737-6583 PUUHUE PLACE 3 bdrm, 1 bath 2 Parking (Tandem) Avail Now Convenient $2000Month Incl. Water Ph: 306-4918 Ave. Furniture, hsehld kitch WESTVIEW 2bdrm2bath 2prkg WD DW. newly Avail 111 371-1960 en items, clothes accessories, toys, books much more! SUPER SALE Sal Oct 1, 9-3pm Plants, furniture, FISHTANKS woak cabinet.

Yamaha speakers, Kenmore refrigicemaker, Sony TV, dishes, shelves much more All items cleanexcellent cond Sat-Sun 8-5. 1232 Hooli Circle WHAMMER NEW ENGINE. BEST OFFER. TERMS AVAIL. 368-1831 OR 488-8950 Containers 20" 40' CONTAINERS.

12.5 TON DIESEL FORKLIFT. Call for prices! 225-1 707 FORK LIFT! Yale 5000 lbs solid tire, LP Gas, $3500. Call 391-5804 A 22 ON 27TH FLOOR AT 1350 ALA MOANA. OCEAN VIEW $2500. ICR 946-9000.

Aptrtrnents Fumtshed MAKIKI-TAKTALUS Townhouses Partly furnished WAIKELE CLASSIFIED is Hawaii's one-stop market place. 521-9111 clothing, books Punahou So. Beretania Sti Palisade 2228 Aupaka St. SatSun 9-3 Camping gear, Handtrucks, auto equip, 2 pay phones. 3 ton fir jack.

more. Townltomet Partly furnished EWA I Apartments Partly furnished I PEARL CITY Nauru Tower 11 wcovered parking. Luxury Tower wtennis, pool, security. Fantastic Ala WaiOiamond Head view! $2600 dep elec. Call 386-2126 PETS OK 2, 3 ft 4 bdrm hornet, tit, yard, cv'd prkg.

WasherDryer. Capstone Real Estate 1 142 Roosevelt 682-2428 ARBORS 22 enc gar wd, ac corner unit paint $1 800 Stott Prop. Mgmt. 254-5558 Log Splitters Misc. Items I Musical Instruments Photographic All nice cln tu, utils, cpt elev sec, nr bus, no ptmk.

Frm $750. Queen Rlty 647-1124 A 1 bdrm. 2 bath. 1 cv'd prkg, spacious, sec, pool. Avail 101.

$1775. 591-0006, 222-8794 Large Studio, oceanview. sec bldg, cvd prkg. wd, poolBBQ amens. $1400mo, 778-4369 Mall Tower, Large 22, 1 cov'd prkg, secure, conv.

location. $1950. 1-503-502-2032 1 BEDROOMS From $600up 955-6740, 941-7000 9 AM-3 PM. Cwrtury Park Plaza, studlo11, wd. sec.

pool, nr stores. $650. Cornerstone Prop. 484-121 1 (Apartments Partly furnished 1 WAHIAWA NEWLY RENOVATED 21, $995 TAX. PARKING.

CRM BOfl-1855 Services Supplies (2) 24ton 30ton wnew Honda motors. Like New! $3000bothobo. 235-4328 HH Scott 350 DRUM SET! ONE Waterfront Makal Apartmmtt Partly Furnished 111, 195. I i500 view, designer decor $1895. BEAUTIFULSPACIOUS AVALON.

322 split level twnhse (2unitsbldg). Excl cond. Over 1000 sf. AC, Full size WD. patio area.

New carpetpaint. Nr hi-tech Holomua Elem, shopsrest. Small Pet OK. $2000utils 91-1028 HULIAU ST. 3A CALL 342-1152 LOW HOURS! MAMKILO Alpha Real Estate 545-3500 CANON EOS-1 Mark II DS, 16 megapixel camera.

Unused-still in box. $7000obo. 271 -21 62 NATURAL, Yamaha Stage Custom. 5 pc. Drum Set wall looks good! In great cond! Pd $1600 Sell $850obo Ph.

294-1396 VACUUM tube FM receiver with excellent ong. wood case. $295firm, as is shipping from Kauai. 808-821-0356 PERSIAN RUG, 3" 10" OLD, fcXCELLENT COND. $450.

CALL 258-161 1 A 221 Includes water. $1850mo. Oahu Realty Curtis Miyahara (RA) 781-4612 Bright clean charming 222 garden twnhse, 1st fir. 5 min to shops park. Wtr nc.

$1700 The Realty Co. 550 8827 VILLAGE on the Green 32.5, 2 gar2 fir. Watersewer incl, yard. AC $2200. 429-2947 (Townhouses Parity Purnisftedl WAIPAHU 04-1450 WELINA LP-GENTRY.

21 prkg, no pets $1300. Solid Foundation RE Co. 531-4408 (Townhouses Partly Furnished 1 WAIPIO-KUNIA I A 2bdrm2bath1pkg. Upstrs unit The Villages at Waipio $1495 Kumai Rlty. 589-1023 CUFFSIDE Villages, upgraded 21,51 prkg, ac, wd.

$1450. Other units avl now. 864-6354 KAUHALE Rainbow. Clean 211. 2nd fir unit.

WD, No petssmkg, $1400. 528-1639 KULANA KNOLLS end 222. Apartments Partly FurmshBd WAIANAE COAST (NANAKUU to MAKAHA) CASE 1845C Skidsteer with 4 in 1 bucket. New tires! Excl Condition! $19,900. 294-0800 PALEHUA Villas 322 912 SF End unit Ocn vws $1 700 Stott Prop.

Mgmt. 254-5558 222 Ground floor, yard ocean views. $1 500mo. Tenant occupied. Set appt.

Apartments Furnished GREAT DEAL! BEAUTIFUL resort style 111, ac. pool, all utils. $1200. SUNSET TOWERS" Lge dlx studio, mtnocnview, WD, park AvI 10-1. $1150 489-7550 Walmanu (1133) clean 21, wd, lanai.

nr shops. $1795. City Properties, Inc. 524-1455 YACHT Harbor DH Twr. 111.

ocn vws, granitemarble, IQOOsf. $2500. 216-4147 1630 Kalakaua: Studio 3rd fir. $795 Incl utils, no prkg. Section 8 ok.

Diamond Int'l. 955-3037 Aloha Paradise Rlty 674-2371 224-4014, 478-6619, Restaurant Bar Supplies Apartments Partly Furnuhed PIANO BALDWIN CONSOLE ACROSONIC wbench, 5 yrs old, excl $2500obo. 685-3430 Apartmerrfj Partly rwnished 1 )( MMIti-TnfiTALUS WWWH MUST GO! PALLET RACK SHELF, Upright $50. BEAMS $15. 387-7042 GREAT DEAL! PENCO Pallet Racks.

$50 eacn Beams 108" Long. 2 for $30. Call 391-5804 C0R0NAD0 Lovely single story townhouse! 1 bdrm, 1 bath, I cov'd prkg. Custom lanai with storage. Microwave, c-fan, no pets.

Avail Oct 1st! 285-3709 or 222-1036 1 A AAA New Used Restaurant StoreBakeryFloristBar Eqpt Walk-Ins More! 841-0818 dl A cln, cut tu 11 $900 up lanal, c-fan, no imkpat, A SILVERWARE Sterling 1936 Overture, 93 pes. incl, 12 place setting serving, $2000obo. 734-6017 STORAGE container1 6' box from hi cube truck, Good cond. No leaks $500. 262-1111 VACUUM Cleaners Recond.

Guar All brands $29 50up Vac Ctr. 11 16 King 593-2530 ALA Wai (1717) 2-bd 2-heth, 1 cov'd prkg, WD, 24hr security. No pets. $2,200. 486-03 11 8th fir secure bldg Laundry in bldg, utils incl, spacious studio, pool, no prkg assignd, walk to bus, shop blks from Waikiki and UH $395mo avail now.

Show try appt call Aloha Paradise Realty (BOS) 674-2371 I Apartments Partly furnished bua. Quean'a A Convenient 1 1 bdrm, 1 bath. 1 I DIAMOND HEAD TENOR 6-STRING, KOA MADE LATE 70'S, WITH CASE, $850OBO. 728-9842 I gated prkg Avail 101. $950 1 gated prkg A) WANTED DIAMOND HEAD SANDS 11 Prkg pool.

Nr bchparks 1 400 mo. 349-6610. 946-9172 PIANO Etac. shave ice cotton candy, ice popcorn mach. Commercial use ok.

848-2982 1C A Rarely Available 222 at Diamond Head Beautifully Upgraded! Unobstructed ocean coastlinepark view! Doesn't Get Any Better! $3200 incl. elecwater. Call 951-3224 w.vax 7 Honolulu Apartmmta Fnmishwl McCULLV-MOILIILI Misc Items Wanted LIKE NEW! Steel Truss. 30' Long. 25 total.

$2500811 Call 429-1590 TRUCKS, Lifts. Bobcats, Backhoes View online sales (S www.bobeequlpment.com inouye ASSOC. 946-4600 Astudio1 (1611 Keeaumoku). No pets. $700 inc wtrprkg.

Newtown Realty 593-0709 A 11 walkup, Matlock Ave. $850 No pet. 6 mo lease Royal Hawaiian Land Co 591 -0330 DOMINIS St. 211, new appls paint, com wd. no smkpet $1 200.

Blesi Prop 395-5501 Tha Mokulani 21.51 prkg, avail now, clean, breezy, large encl'd lanai $1600. 539-9567 clean, view, WD. lanai. No smk Avail 101. $1500.

381-4887 KuponoWellna Lp 212 pkg. no pet, 1 yr lease, clean $1425 June Maeda Realty 596-00Q 7 Parkview Vlg. 21.51 Renov. upstrscoolcorner. Avail now.

$1550. Kumai Rlty. 292-1916 ROYAL PALM 212. AC'S, upgraded, avl now $1600obo L.T. Services 523-0969 Special Event Tickets CHERRYWOOD French Provincial Piano wbench, Excl cond $2100obo.

734-6017 PIANO MOVINGSTORAGE 124-C Delivery 633-1 B57 PIANOS! WANTED 45 fl of Ocean Frontage 1316 sf of living space 2bd2b8, new carpetpaint, private stairs to sandy beach. 1 year lease $3600mo Sandwich Isle Rlty 255-2400 FERN ST. 1920. Beautiful 322 Cov'd prkg. Washer dryer.

$2200. 386-4141 (Afurtmems ftirnbrtad WAIKIKI CORONADO 21 .5. cov'd stall. 1 open stall, no pets. $1295.

Realty Edge Inc 227-0866 MARINER'S Place, 2 mstr bdrms2.5 bath, wd, ac, $1 700 Cornerstone Prop. 484-1211 MARINERS PI. 32.5. end ga-rage. 1043 sf, ac, WD $2100.

Stott Prop. Mgmt. 254-5558 Palm Villa II Lovely, clean upstairs 21.52 $1350 Eric M. Watanabe Realty Inc 486-5534 Palm Villa II Lovely clean, ground 21.52 $1500. Eric M.

Watanabe Realty Inc 486-5534 PALM Villas I. 2bdrm1.5bath 2prkg. 2 AC. rec. pool, available 101.

$1375 258-8000 Suncrest Clean 212, New carpetpaint, incl water $1 295 H. Kiyabu (R) 677-0759 A 111, newly renov, $1500. Hall W. Ho (RA) GRI. Hawaii OLADVS KNIGHT Concert Tickets: Sat 1015.

7pm, 2 tickets. Sec. AA, Floor level, Row 13. $90both. 392-9161 AA PAYING CASH Ukuleles, guitars, musical instruments, cameras camera supplies, Koa furniture, 487-4021 CASH for KOA furniture, Koa bowls, Ukuleles, old wood surfboards.

Call 554-1561 Oi Hamoow Healty inc. 383-3228 Brand new Lanikea 222, 30th fl. oenvw. $3600. Coldwell Banker Pacific Prop.

256-5555 WANTED! WILL PAY CASH. Used Pallet Rack 4 Commercial Shelving. Please call 781-3126 40 20 foot CONTAINERS salerent. 20 foot refrigerated. Delivery avail.

Call: 523-1499 HOUSES furnished Apartments Partly fumtshed 1 DOWNTOWN I Ward Kinau Studio, AC, discovery Bay studio1. No seed bldg $1000. 255-4512 STONES ROLUNO STONES 1113. San Fran. 15th row from stage, 2 tickets.

$700 ea. 227-7205 TECHNICS Kawal Electric Pianos wbench, good cond' $250 for bothobo. 294-1396 SALE Prof. DJ system lighting, hvy duty hand trucks, guitar drums 271-4803 HEARING AID Wanted Please Call 944-6677 Houses Furmihed AINA HAINA to KULIQUOU ward Lanais crnr 222. wd, dw, cv'd prkg.

new paintcrpt, $2100 AlohaHomes 941 -871 1 Misc. Items HAWAII LOA Luxurious, gated. 6 bdrm, 4 bath, ocn view, pooi, ydpool sve, $7250. 235-8091 Apartments Partly Furnished (Townhouses Partly Furnished HAWAII KAI-PORTLOCK AAA GREAT LOCATION! 11. Just renovated, all new fum, AC, lanai, pool.

INCLS ALL UTILS $1400. 372 0393 AAA Ocnfront llikaiMonarch BanyanRyl Kuhiolsl Colony-Studios142 BR FROM $44 day $290wk. HCR 949-4505 AAA Waikiki Studio, 1 A 2 bdrm fully furn kftch, pool. Longahort trm. Oahu Blry Terrl Conlay (HA) 94 1 -6744 Ala Wai 2121.

Upgraded 211 $1875 incl elec. Donna J. Edwards Realty, LLC 537-9501 Amanabl Studios. 1 2 BR's LongShort term From $995. 922-5545 or 735-5840.

APR BEACHCOMBER Rlty. Studio, 1 bdrms, vacatnlongtrm. Alt real estate services 979-2236 WANTED LOOKING TO PURCHASE LAS VEGAS SILVER STRIKES. A now remod pntcpttll flirt c-fan lanai lg 1 bdrm $1000 bualln no ptmk. Qun Raatty 847-1 124 EXECUTIVE CENTER Beautiful Remodeled 11.

$1550 incl UtilB. Ph: 541-410-5659 MONO Park PI 221 Security marble, view. AvI 101. $2300 utils. 383-5253.

848-5456 ONE ARCHER luxurious 111, cent air. 2 7th fl, 1 700 Sakuma Reatty 288-1939, 737-5072 StoreOffice Eqpt, EXECUTIVE LIVING Luxury 1300 sf 22 wsmall office central air. Designer renovated wall new marble granite, SS. Spectacular views, pool, security, wd, 1 covd prkg. $2850 incl all utils.

Avail NOWI Ph. 349-5559 WANTED Houses Furnished 1 DIAMOND HEAD Kalamaku 1467 sf 33, AC, 2 prkg $2900 no petssmkg South Shore Reatty 395-6225 SELMER ALTO MARK VI HIGH SAX. HARD CASE, STAND. EXTRAS. A CLASSIC $2995.

497-4043 AAA Wanted used copiers. Canon, Minolta. Sharp, HP CLEAN coot quiet 11. carpet, lanai. well maint, coin WD, prkg.

no pets $975. 841-3031 BUYING: Suntory Hawaiian Open Decanters Vintage Memorabilia. 220-8092 CAKE AIR BRUSH Musical hstjurrrfe DIAMOND Hd View home newly furn 21 lots of prkg. close to restaurants pet ok $4500motax 808-349-3860 (Townhouses Partly hrmsned KAHAUt TROPIC GARDENS 1: 222, WD. AC.

$1750, Monarch Inc, 734-6582225-3042 Emma Gdns uparaded i :4 1 1 1 1 1 th fl, clean 1 500 Earl S. Mente Realtors 942-9666 DECORATE CAKE (KROMA-JET) AAAVAMAHA Clavinova Incl sugar made colors, stencils. ldd t19" laser printers. 366-04180428 Ovr 100 Praownad Cubic! In Stock, Saw on Offlc rum. DAD Furniture B41-73B1 SHOWCASEcounter.

glass. large, lignted. Excellent condition. $200 847-3155 WANTED: METAL FILE CABI-Nfcr lateral, letter size, 4 drawer. 386-4694 Truly Paradise! Beautiful Island beach home Bay llikai Marina: I Apartments Partly fwmsned 1 Longshort term.

1 2 BR's cake pictures. 1 80all 232-7466 I EWA $1600. Discovery Bay Realty 946-3370 wguest cottagg. 3 car WANTED FAIRWAY VILLA Upgraded Studio. Secure building.

Lanai with Golf course view! New stove, granite counter tops, WD, covered parking, roof top pool. Long-term. References required $1200 923-1122 Foatar Towers 22 1 very nice. 1 KANEOHE-KAHALUU Big Poha Kea 222. Avail 926.

WD. O-vw, $2200 Certified Mgmt Inc 836-091 1x257 garage, AC, plunge pool, gourmet granite kitchen, private lush garden, gated beach accessl Terms nego. wwwdhrentalcom SPEAKERS! DIGITAL AUDIO 3-way PA loud speakers (3). optimized horns, 15" sub. clear mids.

large magnet structure, 500 watts at 8 ohms. Hardly used, great cond1 Paid $2100. Sacrifice $900allobo. 294-1396 TAYLOR GUITAR Model 410 Fishman Pickup $850. 497-4340 WANTED: Guitars Amplifiers.

Have CASH. 927-2372 Yamaha Upright Piano Walnut Finish, Showroom Cond wdehumtdrfier bench $290Qobo, 626-0167 Childs Motorized CORVETTE Yellow max weight Hardly used 3x's! Fully assembled. $275, 254-4107 Electric Klin run ocn vw, utns inci, yyas. Stewart Assoc. 949-2302 Furn.

atudio. 1 A 2 bdrma avarlabta. Prim Wilcti are. Foftarty Realty, inc. M45-2664 Oov.

leghorn. Darling 211, oceanvw, sec. wd. dw $1 950. 6mo Ise 387-2399, 683-0603 lllkal studio1 bdrm.

yacht harbor vw. new crptdrapes. prkg. $2000 CBPfR) 261-0756 Wkai 2 bdrm corn untt, al EWA Apts Newty renov. 311, WD.

Sect. 8 Ok. No pets. $1400. Avail now.

783-1988 Palm Court 222 850 SF WD. new paint, pet negot $1 400 Stott Prop Mgmt 254-5558 (Apartments Partly rumsHtdl HAWAII KAt-PQflTlOCK A Mauna Luan nice clean DW. WD, amens galore $2000. Manoa Rlty 306-7005 ATTACHED spacious 115. kitchenette.

Ige cov'd lanai etecwtr incl $1650. 395-1429 AA PAYING CASH Ukuleles, guitars, musical instruments, cameras camera supolies Koa furniture, 487-4021 BASS GUITAR, IBANEZ, EXCL COND. WHARD CASE $350 ASK FOR MO. 284-6264 CELLO, tflth size, excellent rjond, wtfi case. $650.

392-9960 DRUMS: Mapex 5 pc, Yamaha Hi Mat Stand, Pearl stands Pearl dbl oass pedal. 8 Sabian cymbals, all $2500. 263- 7997 Houses Fumisned HAWAII KAI-PORTIOCK SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEWS. 2 bdrm, 2 bath in award winning Kai Lani gated, Ko'otina community. Only 100 yards from beautiful white sand beach.

Ready for Immediate occupancy. Long term preferred. 4500Montn. CaH: 925-577-7010 808-551-6366 WAREHOUSE ft OFFICE SALE! Desks, shelves, office equipment, walk-in freezer, walk-in chill room, pallet racks some misc items. Hawaiian Gift Supply 836-3974 EDEN AT HAIKU 3 bdrm, 2 bath, mntn views, quiet, end unit, 2 cov'd prkg, WD, pet neg.

No smoking $2600. Ph: 263-8344 Iv msg LANIKEA 21 04. 222. OcnMtnDH views! Pet Ok! Utils incl, $3300. 926-5522 ianJkaa 222 brand new.

DH ocean view, poolspa $3300 honolulu realty 538-1330 Penthous. 1717 Ala Wai. Panoramic ocn vws! 221 dw. ac. Ige end lanai.

$2700 elec. 292-1 230. Abe Lee Rfty SKUTT, Good Cond, Cone 6. wshelves 4 posts. $500obo.

KIRBY G2000 wshampooer attach. Like new Cost $2000 sacrafice $350obo 398 1250 ATTACHED Studio $1150 1 Room $775 Sep entries, cool, prkg, utils incl. 377-3050 IMMACULATE attached fully furnished Studio. $850 utilities cable included 726-4755 oacol S-33QO mo, mtn. 737-4171 I 'a iff.

Honolulu Star-Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii (2025)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.